what you get here

This is not a blog which opines on current events. It rather uses incidents, books (old and new), links and papers to muse about our social endeavours.
So old posts are as good as new! And lots of useful links!

The Bucegi mountains - the range I see from the front balcony of my mountain house - are almost 120 kms from Bucharest and cannot normally be seen from the capital but some extraordinary weather conditions allowed this pic to be taken from the top of the Intercontinental Hotel in late Feb 2020

Monday, January 6, 2020

The Beast – part II

The penultimate post of 2019 surveyed the critical state in which the economics “discipline” has found itself in this past decade. Despite having an Economics degree and actually teaching the subject for a few years in a Polytechnic in the 1970s, I readily admit my confusions - globalisation - the new tools of financial engineering and IT have introduced totally new dimensions to the economic world and left me (and most others) very conscious of our ignorance.
I knew I had to put my distaste for economics books aside and take time try to understand not so much the financial crash but rather the true nature of this turbulent system
So, a couple of years ago, I produced two rare annotated lists of books. First of the key books written before the 2008 financial crash; then of those I judged worthy of mention which had appeared after the crash. How, you might reasonably ask, did you select these books? Why should we trust your judgement? I try to answer such questions here

One thing I noticed was how differently the various academic disciplines dealt with the subject. Economists seemed the obvious people to start with – but their texts were remarkably dry and clearly oblivious to a lot of important factors. For people who had failed to anticipate the crash, their tone was also a bit too cocky and self-assured. 

The sociologists had a more plausible story to tell but generally seemed too ready to critique it all. 
I was most impressed with the smaller numbers of political economists (Blyth, Collier, Stiglitz, Streecken and Varoufakis), economic historians (Tooze) and even a few journalists (Mander)

Honing the recommendations
The two lists I did in 2017 dealt with more than 100 books – and I realise my readers don’t have time for this. So last September I had another look at the lists and came up with clear recommendations first of 15 important books which were written before the crash; and then of about 20 which appeared after it   
Somehow, however, the books never satisfy – after all they tend to convey the same message –
- The system is voracious, never satisfied
- It’s unstable – boom and then bust
- It leads increasingly to more and more inequality – the 1% have been replaced by some 25 families who control 99% of the wealth
- markets are naturally “oligopolistic” – ie tending to be controlled by a few massive companies which engage in billion dollar marketing and destructive pricing
- markets display none of the characteristics on which economists base their claims about the benefits of markets   

But this doesn’t stop my belief that the next book will give me the answers I’m seeking… eg the latest Stiglitz or Milanovic. Just as the Minotaur has an unquenchable thirst for profit and development, so as readers we are never satisfied. …Somehow we have to resist this temptation….to learn when we have had (or know) enough

Is it the system – or us?
The posts take an interesting turn toward the end of the year when Robert Greene’s latest book sparked some thoughts about human nature; and Zuboff raised the issue of surveillance capitalism. The posts about human nature reminded me of a book which had made a big impact on me as far ago as 1978 – “The Seventh Enemy” by Ronald Higgins. It was one of the first to look at six looming issues - viz of the population explosion, food shortages, raw materials exhaustion, environmental degradation, nuclear power; and abuse of science and technology. And to suggest that the real enemy was the seventh – us, the human race! Higgins’ book is no longer available but you can get the gist from this BBC documentary.

The table in yesterday’s post contained the first half of last year’s posts about the economic system. The table below completes the job – with the first 8 being those most concerned with economics…..

Post title
What sparked it off
Why you should read it

Selecting a Brains Trust for the End Times

The best of the authors are invited to a dinner before the crash
All selections are invidious – I’ve chosen here the individuals who had the ability to write clearly about the nature of our economic system BEFORE the 2008 crash 

And after the crash
Those who helped our understanding most after 2008

Erik Olin-Wright
Few authors have dealt properly with utopia

Searching for the best book to recommend about “capitalism”
An American journalist wins by a long chalk – with his “The Capitalist Papers”
Some promising new perspectives
Some great hyperlinks

I realised how rarely I have tried to define the beast
Very rare table which uses 3 different lens to find how 11 different academic disciplines try to define the beast  
A book from a global institute for social progress
Most writing on the subject suffers from being written from a single discipline

Review of 5 books
Explains why noone should take economists seriously these days

Mount’s “The New Few”
A brave right-winger admits exposes the new oligarchy

Robert Greene’s latest book
An assessment of our frailties which is superbly written

Robert Greene again
How the 1970s American Democrats killed a great populist tradition

Alt history
we need to push back more against social forces which are presented as irresistible..

David Brooks “The Road to Character”
An unfashionable subject these days!
Daniel Bell, Richard Sennett, Fukuyama; Davis “Reckless Opportunists ”
Is 1980s’ greed and opportunism; and social media changing our behaviour?

Zuboff’s trilogy
Why I have my doubts about an overly-hyped book from an author I used to admire
David Graeber’s latest
Explains the importance of a book the academics would like to ignore

Sunday, January 5, 2020

The Beast Destroying the World

 “Capitalism”…I started, but the barman hopped out of a pipkin
“Capitalism”, he countered…”That’s a flat and frothless word
I’m a good Labour man, but if I mentioned capitalism
My clientele would chew off their own ears
And spit them down the barmaid’s publicised cleavage”
“All right” I obliged “Don’t call it capitalism
Let’s call it Mattiboko the Mighty
The poem finishes
This was my fearless statement
“The Horror World can only be changed by the destruction of
Mattiboko the Mighty,
The Massimataxis Incoporated Supplement
And Gumbo Jumbo the Homely Obblestrog Spectacular”

Audience Reaction was quite encouraging

 Almost a quarter of my blogposts last year wrestled with various aspects of the economic system which now looks set to destroy the planet.
In my youth, the nuclear threat was what kept us awake at night – and that was particularly the case for those of us who lived a mere couple of kilometres from the US nuclear submarine base on the Clyde. Many thought that the collapse of the Berlin Wall had ended such existential fear - but global warming has now taken its place.

The year started with a couple of posts about important books with “capitalism“ in their title before trying to make amends for the failure of the blog to dealt properly with the ecological issue.
It was, however, Paul Collier’s “The Future of Capitalism – facing the new anxieties” which really got me scribbling last year – initially with a series of posts which reminded me that I had still not managed to complete a book which has occupying me for several years.

Writing a book about a subject you don’t understand is an activity I’ve recommended for everyone to help dispel the confusions we all have (if we’re honest enough)…More challenging is when the topic proves to be more amorphous - and changes shape as you work on it. Such has been my experience with text I started almost 20 years ago – long before the financial crash of 2008…It started with a critique that went as follows –

- Consumerism is killing the planet – and making people miserable.
- The poor are getting poorer
- political culture is getting ever more centralised (notwithstanding Scottish devolution).
- Social democrats like New Labour have sold the state to corporate interests.
- don’t blame individuals such as Tony Blair – it’s in the nature of modern politics. Note the political corruption in Italy, Belgium, Germany, France and even Britain.
- The EU is selfish and lacks vision

Many, of course, will scorn such an aspiration – seeing it as typical of a western “do-gooder”…
I readily admit my natural inclination to intervene in social processes (ie my “activist” mode) and that a lot of the recent writing on “chaos theory” and even “systems theory” seems to me to run the risk of encouraging fatalism – one of the four world views Mary Douglas introduced us to and which Chris Hood’s The Art of the State (1999) analyses so brilliantly

The world is getting increasingly complex these days – so it’s hardly surprising that we increasingly hear the argument for “leaving well alone” (or “laisser-faire” as it used to be called). But we do need to look carefully at who makes - and indeed funds - such arguments. They are the right-wing US Foundations funded by such billionaires as the Koch brothers..
One of my favourite writers - AO Hirschmann – actually devoted an entire book (”The Rhetoric of Reaction”; 1991) to examining three arguments conservative writers use for dismissing the hopes of social reformers:

- The futility thesis argues that attempts at social transformation will be unavailing, that they will simply fail to “make a dent.”
- the perversity thesis holds that any purposive action to improve some feature of the political, social, or economic order only serves to exacerbate the condition one wishes to remedy.
- the jeopardy thesis argues that the cost of the proposed change or reform is too high as it endangers some previous, precious accomplishment.

Have a look at any argument against a proposed reform - you will find it a variant of these three. But such fatalism offends my sense of what we used to call “free will” (and now “agency theory”). Powerful people exist – whether in corporations, international agencies or governments – who can and do influence events. Our job as citizens is to watch them carefully and protest when we can..
In the 1930s it was not difficult to identify the enemy…Today the enemy is a more voracious and complex system which we variously call “globalisation” or “neoliberalism” and only more recently “capitalism” - whose disastrous consequences the activists of Porto Allegro had exposed……although it took the crash of 2008 to prove the point…

Yanis Varoufakis used the highly appropriate term “the Global Minotaur” for his brilliant 2011 story of how surplus capital had sought its rewards – with all the destructiveness that Joseph Schumpeter had first described in Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy (1942) – but minus the “creativity”
The Minotaur not only survived but managed the amazing trick of transferring bank losses onto state exchequers and bringing on austerity and further vilification of the state…It was the poisoning of the state I first noticed – thanks to George Monbiot’s The Captive State – the corporate takeover of Britain (2000) and started to blog about in 2009. But within a few years such a critique of the political class had become commonplace.

So, to tempt you into flicking through “To Whom it may Concern” (for which just click the title in the list at the top-right corner of the blog masthead) here is a table with a selection of relevant posts with brief explanations…

Selected Posts about the Beast

What sparked it off
Why it’s worth reading

Wolfgang Streeck’s “The End of Capitalism?”
Has hyperlinks which cut to the core of the discussion

“Club of Rome” report
Come on! Capitalism
It’s a definitive report and my post tries to summarise other key texts about the turning point the world seems to have reached

An article in NYRB about the ecological disaster we face
Exhaustive reading list

Pelican book sparks off an Old Labourist reflections
The post puts the present concerns in an historical context

Finding an internet version of a political economy book I had read in 2012
The book is one of the best explanations of the financial crash…
but now reread as if for the first time

Finding an internet version of a little-known but superbly-written economics textbook
May have been produced 21 years ago but clearly written by someone very sensitive to readers’ needs
Paul Collier’s new book
Explains why the book was so good it inspired 5 posts
Which failed to explore this underlying theme
An agenda is sketched out
Are we no longer masters of our fate?
Some good reviews are summarised
Acknowledgements page reminds me how important friends are to drafting process
As well as some critiques

A final assessment of Collier – with some suggestions for further reading

Saturday, January 4, 2020

About the Blog

This blog celebrated its tenth birthday a few months ago. In those ten years there have been 1,400 posts. That’s almost 3 a week – with each post taking up almost a full morning (once you take the researching into account). Quite a bit out of one’s time – justifiable if something worthwhile is left behind

It took me some time to realise that the blog contained an amazing resource for English-speakers….the top-right corner has the list of E-books which have resulted from a careful selection and editing of the posts. They are, effectively, annotated guides to such subjects as -
- The critical writing of the past century about our economic system
- The literature on administrative reform
- Scottish independence
- Cultural aspects of Romania
- Cultural aspects of Bulgaria
- Cultural aspects of Germany
I can safely say that no such guides exist elsewhere in the English language. But I’m not able to crack the question of their wider dissemination. They’re not much use if noone knows of their existence!! This is an issue I have to address in 2020..

Ironically, however, the “resource” offered by the reading lists which have become such a feature of the blog is not something I seem to avail myself of too frequently! I tend all too often to “skim and save” – and generally fail to return to the link and read it properly.
At this time when New Year Resolutions are so popular, there’s a bad habit I need to discipline!!

Every now and then I go back to the original aims I set for the blog and check the extent to which the posts still express them. This is what I intended in 2009 -    
·       This blog will try to make sense of the organisational endeavours I've been involved in; to see if there are any lessons which can be passed on; to restore a bit of institutional memory and social history (let alone hope).
·       I read a lot and want to pass on the results of this to those who have neither the time nor inclination to read widely.
·       A final motive for the blog is more complicated - and has to do with life and family. What have we done with our life? What is important to us?

I felt that the blog still pursues these objectives – although I did add that 
- The world seems confronted with new problems which apparently require new thinking…….and make obsolete writings before (say) 1990?…Because I’ve kept a good record of my wide reading since 1960, I would dispute this….the old themes are still there – although they may require a bit of dusting…..particularly of language
-  I have therefore become more conscious of the importance of my role in giving annotated reading lists - and, even more passionately about the need for clarity of expression!!. This explains the emphasis I increasingly place on tables – which act as discipline on verbosity.
 - I am perhaps using posts even more deliberately these days as a means of getting inspiration to help me express better my thoughts on reform and social change issues….When I click open text I have been working on for some time, my creativity tends to freeze – but when I confront a blank page, the words come together to form a new perspective……
- As I move through my “autumn days” and feel the approach of winter, the “settling of final accounts” (in the spiritual sense) becomes perhaps a more dominant theme 

Friday, January 3, 2020

Poetry? Maybe

Most people ignore most poetry
Most poetry ignores most people

Adrian Mitchell was the author of the poem whose title I borrowed for the collection of this past year’s blogposts – and this is the inscription at the beginning of the book of his collected poetry…..
My posts may tend to be on the long side - but this is not for want of trying to cut to the chase. Oscar Wilde’s retort that “the best way to get rid of temptation is to yield to it” is a lovely example of the focused epigrammatic approach which was such a feature of Clive James’ writing.

I have decided views about writing genres – with a rather strong preference for essays (and short stories). I sometimes wonder whether my lack of interest in fiction betrays an element of autism – although in 2010 I did an interesting list of the novels which had appealed to me in the previous decade.   
But a couple of years ago I went so far as to suggest that the flood of books had reached such a point that we needed to consider rationing at least non-fiction books

Given the popularity of Twitter and the fear that our attention span is declining, one might have imagined that poetry might appeal to the younger generation. But I don’t sense any sign of this…
When then is it that so few poets appeal to us? I have a few favourites - Bertolt Brecht, Norman MacCaig, TS Eliot, WS Graham, Charles Bukowski, Marin Sorescu and Adrian Mitchell. What is it about such poets which allows them to “reach parts other cannot reach”?
In Bukowski’s case the answer is obvious – he wrote about low-class life in a bawdy way and made not the slightest concession to the poetic structure. It seemed like a flow of semi-consciousness….
Norman MacCaig and Marin Sorescu – from opposite ends of Europe – shared a wry, humanist approach to nature and events. See MacCaig’s “Smuggler” and Sorescu’s “Asking too Much?” - the latter about a man commuting between Heaven and Hell and unable to choose between a book, a bottle of wine and a woman

Bert Brecht and Adrian Mitchell – on the other hand - were both highly political
My favourite poem is probably Brecht’s “In Praise of Doubt” which you can find in this collected edition of Brecht’s poetry.

WS Graham and TS Eliot were pretty apolitical but I have always been fond of TS Eliot’s Four Quartets not only for its Zen like sense of time and the puniness of our efforts but for its references to the fragile nature of words – thus, in “Burnt Norton”

Words strain,
Crack and sometimes break, under the burden,
Under the tension, slip, slide, perish,
decay with imprecision, will not stay in place
and later (in East Coker) a section I use a lot –

So here I am, in the middle way, having had twenty years
Trying to learn to use words, and every attempt
Is a wholly new start, and a different kind of failure
Because one has only learnt to get the better of words

Little wonder, therefore, that Eliot was a great admirer of a little-known poet from my home town (Greenock) in the 1940s, WS Graham who also wrote a lot about words eg

Speaking is difficult and one tries
To be exact, and yet not to
Exact the prime intention to death.
On the other hand, the appearance of things
Must not be made to mean another
thing. It is a kind of triumph
To see them and to put them down
As what they are. The inadequacy
Of the living, animal language drives
Us all to metaphor and an attempt
To organise the spaces we think
We have made occur between the words.

Update; when the post first appeared, I quite unforgivably omitted Tom Leonard from the list. He died, sadly, in February 2019, but his website richness is still available and the letters in particular give a true sense of Glaswegian literary life. His most famous poems were in contemporary street Scots – my favourite being “The Six o’clock News” which you will find my scrolling down this excellent extended tribute

Thursday, January 2, 2020

The 2019 posts

This year’s posts are now available to read as a book - To Whom it may Concern – the 2019 posts (click on the title in the list at the top-right corner of the blog's masthead for the up-to-date version)
But a rather special one this year - as it is, for the first time, organised thematically. A special introduction to each of the 5 main parts of the collection tries to provide an appropriate perspective.
The book’s title is a tribute to a poet whose verses I would declaim during the various demonstrations in which I participated during the 1970s. The subtitle of that particular poem was “Tell me Lies about Vietnam” – highly appropriate these days…..

Bloggers are sometime accused of egocentricity. But the discipline of presenting the year’s posts not only in book form but thematically has been a useful corrective to any tendency of self-centredness. Another advantage of the format is that repetition and illogicalities are soon spotted.
The tables which have also been added at the beginning of each section have also added an important discipline  - with the final column trying to entice the reader into the post with a hint about what they might find…what they might find

Last year I included in the Annexes my selection of Key Books of the Century; and a Sceptic’s Glossary. These are important enough to be retained but I have also returned this year to the habit of listing favourite blogs and journals….

Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Alasdair Gray RIP

Alasdair Gray – writer and artist extraordinaire – embodying and celebrating both the city of Glasgow and the very soul of originality – has died, suddenly, just one day after celebrating his 85th birthday.
I had been delighted to find earlier this year a copy of his A Life in Pictures in which he weaves his autobiographical text together with his sketches, portraits, landscapes and book designs. He was indeed sometimes compared to William Blake – since so few manage to combine both visual and verbal genius.

That soon had me thinking about the different types of intelligence we have – I hadn’t realized that Howard Gardiner had suggested we actually have nine! Perhaps that’ why I woke today with a dream about how conferences reward only those who like to perform - and leave the shy and taciturn frustrated

Alasdair Gray’s approach to books and their design showed his creativity at full stretch. He designed every stage of the process, it seems, except for actually printing the book itself
Paris Review is a prestigious journal devoted to writing and, rightly, had separate features on him – first as a writer and then as a visual artist

A Gray Resource
http://etheses.dur.ac.uk/6450/1/6450_3750.PDF a thesis on the literature of Alasdair Gray

Lanark – a life in four books; A Gray (1981) His most famous novel – set alternately in contemporary Glasgow then in a dystopian one