I was once asked who I admired – and didn’t find it easy to answer. The dictionary definition (“to regard with wonder, pleasure or approval”)
doesn’t seem to me to go far enough. For me, to admire is “to look up to” and
has connotations not only of skill but of moral courage. I can admire someone’s
eloquence or writings – but not necessarily the person (not, at least in the
absence of knowing him/her). I can list some of my “heroes” – people who shone
a light at an important stage in my development – and whose work is still worth
reading. They would include George Orwell, Reinhardt Niebuhr, EH Carr, RH
Tawney, Karl Popper, Ivan Illich……and Tony Crosland who was the only one whom I
was fortunate enough to meet and talk with (briefly) when he visited my local
Labour Party when I was its chairman in the early 1960s - a few years after he
had written the definitive Future of Socialism.
When she heard that I was a politician from Strathclyde Region - with its mining traditions in Lanarkshire and Ayrshire - she presented me with a signed portfolio of her 1930s drawings of the NE English miners for onward donation to the Scottish miners.
And I almost forgot my memorable lunch with the Greek actress Melina Mercouri!
So what do all these stories tell? All but one of the people I;ve mentioned are dead! And those I met, I met only for a few minutes - 60 at most. Does this mean we can admire only from afar? Hopefully not.
In a future post I want to say something about "closer admiration"
The painting at the top of this post is one of Tony Todorov - of whom I spoke yesterday
But it was his colleague Hugh Gaitskell whom I really admired for the courage he showed in the late 1950s – as Leader
of the Opposition – in standing up to fight for what he believed in. I had talked
with him at his house in the late 1950s (invited with other promising young
reformers) and was transfixed listening on the radio to his defiant speech at Labour's 1960 party conference where two unilateralist resolutions were carried and the official policy
document on defence was rejected. Gaitskell thought these were disastrous
decisions and made a passionate speech where he stressed that he would "fight
and fight and fight again to save the party we love". This was at a time
when I was highly ambivalent about the nuclear issue and would shortly
afterwards become an active nuclear disarmer. But I had to admire his courage
and oratory.
I was also lucky enough in those days to have a session
fixed up for me in the late 1960s with Wilfred Brown, head of the Glacier Metal company and the man who, with the help of Elliott Jaques, oversaw several experimental efforts in
empowerment, workplace democracy, compensation, pricing and organizational
design that culminated in the almost two-decade long efforts (1948-1965) led by
Dr. Elliot Jaques.
This unique collaboration between a CEO and a researcher — which Peter Drucker
called "the most extensive study of actual worker behavior in large-scale
industry" — resulted in one of the only true comprehensive systems of
management and led to groundbreaking discoveries and management methods that challenged almost every area of management and organizational design. For a simplified version of Brown's practice and theory see here.
Such a combination of leadership with respect for both
people and organisational learning is rare indeed
These memories of remarkable people I’ve met were sparked
off by an interview with Senator Bennie Saunders in the interesting Orion Magazine. He too I met (in the late 1980s) when he was
the “democratic socialist” mayor of Burlington, Vermont, USA. I happened to be
in Vermont, knew of him and asked to meet him (as a fellow democratic socialist
politician). He has shown immense guts not only in the various fights he has
taken on with corporate interests in his attempt to represent the ordinary
citizen – but for the simple act of not disguising his basic values.
Perhaps the most remarkable person I ever met was a Romanian
- Cornel Coposu – then (1991) Leader of the newly re-established Christian
Democratic Peasant Party who was
condemned in 1947 to spend 15 years in prison for his activities in the
National Peasant Party. After his release, Coposu started work as an unskilled
worker on various construction sites (given his status as a former prisoner, he
was denied employment in any other field), and was subject to surveillance
and regular interrogation.[]
His wife was also prosecuted in 1950 during a
rigged trial and died in 1965 soon after her release, from an illness
contracted in prison. Coposu managed to keep contact with PNÅ¢ sympathisers, and
re-established the party as a clandestine group during the 1980s, while
imposing its affiliation to the Christian
Democrat International.
I also had brief but one-to-one meetings with two great German Presidents - Richard von Weizsacker and Johannes Rau. Weizsacker
was a Christian Democract and President 1984-1994 and West Berlin Mayor
1981-84. Rau was a Social Democrat; President 1999-2004 and Head of the
huge RheinWestphalen Land (Region) from 1978-98. I was lucky enough to
meet both of these men informally and can therefore vouch personally for the
humility they brought to their role. Weizsacker was holidying in Scotland and
popped in quietly to pay his respects to the leader of the Regional Council. As
the (elected) Secretary to the majority party, I had private access to the
Leader’s office and stumbled in on their meeting. Rau I also stumbled across
when in a Duisberg hotel on Council business. He was not then the President –
but I recognised him when he came in with his wife and a couple of assistants,
introduced myself ( as a fellow social democrat); gave him a gift book on my
Region which I happened to be carrying and was rewarded with a chat.
And then there was Tisa von der Schulenburg - Prussian aristocrat, nun and artist in 1920s Berlin who
supported her brother in the plot to assassinate Hitler whom I met a few years
before her death (at 97!) – at an exhibition of the sketches she had done in
the 1939s of the Durham miners.
Her experience of the darker moments of the 20th century was reflected in her sculpture and drawing, in which the subject of human suffering and hardship was a constant theme - whether in the form of Nazi terror or the back-breaking grind of manual labour at the coal face."Tisa" Schulenburg's life was by any standard remarkable. Having grown up among the Prussian nobility and witnessed the trauma of Germany's defeat in the Great War, she frequented the salons of Weimar Berlin, shocked her family by marrying a Jewish divorce in the 1930s, fled Nazi Germany for England, worked as an artist with the Durham coal miners, and spent her later years in a convent in the Ruhr.
When she heard that I was a politician from Strathclyde Region - with its mining traditions in Lanarkshire and Ayrshire - she presented me with a signed portfolio of her 1930s drawings of the NE English miners for onward donation to the Scottish miners.
And I almost forgot my memorable lunch with the Greek actress Melina Mercouri!
So what do all these stories tell? All but one of the people I;ve mentioned are dead! And those I met, I met only for a few minutes - 60 at most. Does this mean we can admire only from afar? Hopefully not.
In a future post I want to say something about "closer admiration"
The painting at the top of this post is one of Tony Todorov - of whom I spoke yesterday
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