what you get here

This is not a blog which opines on current events. It rather uses incidents, books (old and new), links and papers to muse about our social endeavours.
So old posts are as good as new! And lots of useful links!

The Bucegi mountains - the range I see from the front balcony of my mountain house - are almost 120 kms from Bucharest and cannot normally be seen from the capital but some extraordinary weather conditions allowed this pic to be taken from the top of the Intercontinental Hotel in late Feb 2020

Monday, September 9, 2024

Public Outrage Works!

 Available free until 15 September, this video tells the story of how Scottish workers from the Rolls Royce factory in East Kilbride blocked engines for the Hawker planes which had bombed Allende’s palace. They held out for two and a half years. Only Israel and South Africa were willing to supply spare parts for the planes. At 50 minutes hear Judith Hart and Alex Lyon on how the Home Office insisted on security checks (from the CIA!!) before granting visas to the refugees from Chile 

And, for those, who don’t believe public pressure works – hear the latest 
on the journalist recently arrested for her support of Palestinians. 
She was previously banned from using her phone and PC - and had her mother's 
ashes deliberately scattered by the 12 police who raided her home and items 
stolen and misplaced. All the horrendous conditions of her bail have been dropped 
– although she now has to go out an buy a new phone and PC!
The Council Estate site is one of many which has - unlike the mainstream media - exposed 
the malicious efforts of the elite to hound those journalists who don't toe the line
Remember how police stole Sarah’s passport and £200 cash, and then ordered 
her to hand her passport into the local police station in seven days or face a 
five-year prison sentence? Well, one day before Sarah was due to visit the 
police station, they confessed they had the passport all along and would 
“investigate” the missing £200. It really seems like they were playing with 
Sarah, trying to scare the life out of her and others.
Sarah has now been told she will get her passport back. If I was 
in her position, I would be tempted to leave the country because 
who wants to go through life, knowing police are spying on you 
for doing the right thing? Sarah has been told all of her tweets 
will be monitored going forwards. I suspect police do this with 
every pro-Palestinian influencer, but just think how Stasi-esque 
this is: the idea you’ve done nothing wrong but police are 
monitoring everything you post, just in case you do do something 
wrong. You can guarantee police are not monitoring supporters of 
Israel’s genocide or intimidating them and their supporters. 
Let the history books note that when a genocide was taking place, 
British police tried to silence the people who were trying to 
stop the genocide. It’s scary to think that if not for Sarah’s 
interview with Crispin Flintoff last week, and the ensuing public 
support, police might have jailed Sarah on Friday for not handing 
in her passport. She really might have received an automatic 
five-year prison sentence, due to entrapment.
While this is all very bleak, one heart-warming aspect of the story
is that people have knocked on Sarah’s door and sent her letters 
to wish her well. If I lived in Sarah’s area, I would certainly 
be tempted to pay her a visit and let her know how much we care. 
Amazingly, Sarah said some of the letters she received had no 
address, just her name, and the postal service somehow figured out 
where she lives. (If anyone doesn’t know, the postal service will 
always try to deliver a letter,even with minimal information, and 
this is what they’ve done here.)
From the police’s point of view, this whole farce has been a PR
disaster. It was not just a failed phishing exercise, it was an 
intimidation effort intended to have a chilling effect on Palestinian 
solidarity, but it has had the opposite effect. It has motivated 
people to rally together and refuse to be intimidated. It has 
motivated people to call out authoritarianism.


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