what you get here

This is not a blog which opines on current events. It rather uses incidents, books (old and new), links and papers to muse about our social endeavours.
So old posts are as good as new! And lots of useful links!

The Bucegi mountains - the range I see from the front balcony of my mountain house - are almost 120 kms from Bucharest and cannot normally be seen from the capital but some extraordinary weather conditions allowed this pic to be taken from the top of the Intercontinental Hotel in late Feb 2020

Friday, September 27, 2024

Has British Labour lost its Moral Sense?

I served as a Labour councillor from 1968 to 1990 – that’s 22 years and all of them in an official position as the secretary to the entire group of Labour councillors, first in a Clydeside town and then on Strathclyde Region which covered half of Scotland. This required surviving, every two years, an election of office-bearers which I managed no fewer than 8 times since I offended neither the right or the left. But, thanks to the example of my parents and to the community activists who taught me so much in my early years of council service, I knew where my accountabilities lay – to ordinary working folk – and certainly not to the big battalions. Hence Social Strategy for the Eighties (SRC 1982) on which I tried to throw some light in the recent article Some Dilemmas of Social Reform

My last decade in Scotland was during Thatcher’s reign which gave me the 
incentive to leave the country to become an adviser to central European and 
central Asian governments as they clawed their ways out of communism to 
various forms of kleptocracy which I called “impervious regimes” for the simple 
reason that they were generally impervious to the voices of their citizens 
(the Baltic countries were perhaps the only exceptions).

From a distance I was no fan of New Labour, so obviously the inheritor of 
Thatcher’s neoliberalism. But I did respect Jeremy Corbyn and was appalled 
by the way he was treated by the right-wing of the party which revealed itself 
in all its hideous colours. And Keir Starmer was part of that.
I am totally ashamed of this latest Labour governmen – I understand it inherits 
an economic mess but cannot accept its flaunting of privilege, freebies and 
support for welfare cuts, privatisation and Israel.  

Useful Background Reading with the exception of the third book, these are texts 
I have just come across which I need to skim
Imagining the Neoliberal state – Assar Lindbeck and the genealogy of Swedish neo-liberalism 
Victor Pressfeldt (2024) Lindbeck chaired the Swedish Nobel prize committee for more 
than a decade when it offered the prize to several neoliberals
Progressive Proposals for Turbulent Times (Foundation for European Progressive Studies 
2022). Strange how the left now pretends it’s otherwise by the use of the “progressive” 
label. That was actually the descriptor used by my conservative father when he stood for 
election in our home town in the 1960s
The Neoliberal Age? Britain since the 1970s ed B Jackson et al (2021) A powerful critique
Beyond Digital Capitalism – new ways of living ed Albo 2021 (Socialist Register)
Corbynism and Democracy Yerrell thesis (2020)
State Transformations – class, strategy, socialism G Albo et al (2020)
Leftism Reinvented – western parties from socialism to neoliberalism Stephanie Mudge 
The Moral Economists – RHTawney, Karl Polanyi, EP Thompson and the Critique of Capitalism 
Tim Rogan (2017)
The struggle for Labour’s Soul – understanding Labour’s political thought since 1945 
ed R Plant et al (2004)
Progressives, Pluralists and the problems of the State” Marc Stears (2002) -
a book about progressive political optimism written at a time of progressive 
political disillusion. It traces the relationship between two movements of 
political thinkers – one British and one American – who were joined together 
by their collective sense that the political, social and economic mould of their 
countries was about to be recast. 
As the book demonstrates, these were thinkers who produced detailed plans 
of new democratic institutions and far-reaching social and economic reforms 
and who lived in the continual expectation that these programmes would soon 
be enacted. They were activist intellectuals who believed in the power of 
their own ideas and who had faith in the agents of political change. 
They were political theorists, then, who wrote not only for each other, 
but for political leaders, party members,campaigners, trade unionists, 
and for society at large. They were convinced that they lived in nations that 
were about to be remade, and they wanted to do all that they could to ensure 
that those nations became fairer, freer, more communal societies than they 
had been hitherto.

The contrast with our own new century is, of course, remarkably stark. Few British and American progressive political theorists today share such expectations, or such faith. The political theory of our own times is characterized more by a sense of limitation than of possibility. We inhabit societies which have become dramatically less equal in the last few decades, where civil liberties are continually under siege, and where democratic political institutions are increasingly either dominated by money and special interests or superseded entirely by executive agencies staffed by unelected officials. Political theorists themselves understandably appear to have responded to these tendencies by abandoning the world of politics altogether. The specialized discourses of our leading journals are, then, more often captivated by philosophical speculation and theoretical models than by programmes of political action; their readership is restricted to those who share a concern with abstract ideals of justice rather than with immediate proposals for change.

There are, of course, notable exceptions to this tendency. Both Britain and the United States have traditions of dissent that have not been dimmed by the general pessimism of our times, but those loyal to those traditions are now less frequently to be found at the apex of authority either in academia or in politics at large. My aim in writing this book, however, was to remind us of the spirit that lay behind those earlier aspirations. I wanted to try to recall a time when it was possible to believe that the mechanisms of mainstream politics in Britain and the United States could be used to attain greater freedom, equality, and communality. And I wanted to recapture a sense of political theory as a profession that requires its practitioners to talk to audiences far beyond the confines of the university. I do not believe that either the American nationalist progressives or the British socialist pluralists of the early twentieth century could solve the problems that we now face. I do believe, however, that we might still learn something from their sense of vocation. That is why this book tells their story.


One Labour MP has had the decency to resign the whip in protest against the hypocrisy of Starmer’s leadership – and you can see Rosie Duffield’s resignation letter here – with an explanation from Owen JonesAlthough I’m now hearing she was a Starmerite who went along with his opportunistic use of the totally unfounded slandering of antisemitism against Jeremy Corbyn

Monday, September 23, 2024

Can we ever keep up with technological developments?

One of the books I included in yesterday’s list of accessible books was Philosophers of Technology by SB Hansen (2020) which was disappointing for me since the author failed to cover the writers I’m familiar with such as Jacques Ellul, Neil Postman and Jerry Mander. What was so interesting about the writings of Asimov, Boorstin, Brzezinski and Ellul is that their interest was much wider on the social impact of technology which we have tended to ignore - until the latest developments on Artificial Intelligence hit us last year

Almost 3 years ago I was reading an important book about Artificial Intelligence 
- all the more important since it comes out  of the conversations held by 3 
individuals teaching a course on the subject - System Error – how big tech went 
wrong and how we can reboot (2021) by a philospher, a top-level computer 
scientist and a political adviser/”scientist”. Such a multi-disciplinary authorship 
gives me more confidence in the book and its emphasis on the importance of 
values is perhaps an indication of the philosopher’s influence. I had forgotten 
that I had posted about it three years ago. At 400 pages it could and should 
be much shorter and fails two of the tests I set some 3 years ago for non-fiction 
  • its intro doesn’t summarise each chapter to allow the reader to get a sense 
of the book’s thrust (some chapter subheadings do give hints)
  • it lacks the short guide to further reading which might help the reader 
understand any author bias. 
The chapters headings do give some hint about the book’s argument - 
1. The Optimisation Mindset – where tech engineers are set up as the bogeymen
2. the Unholy Marriage of Hackers and Venture Capitalists
3. The Race between Disruption and Democracy
4. Can Algorithmic decisions ever be fair?
5. What’s your Privacy worthwhile?
6. Can Humans flourish in a world of smart machines?
7. Will free speech survive the Internet?
8. Can Democracies rise to the challenge?

Here are some excerpts -
When we uncritically celebrate technology or unthinkingly criticize it, the end 
result is to leave technologists in charge of our future. This book was written to 
provide an understanding of how we as individuals, and especially together as 
citizens in a democracy, can exercise our agency, reinvigorate our democracy, and 
direct the digital revolution to serve our best interests
We must resist the temptation to think in extremes. Both techno-utopianism and 
-dystopianism are all too facile and simplistic outlooks for our complex age. 
Instead of taking the easy way out or throwing our hands up in the air, we must rise 
to the defining challenge of our era: harnessing technological progress to serve 
rather than subvert the interests of individuals and societies. We can’t leave our 
technological future to engineers, venture capitalists, and politicians. 
This book lays out the dangers of leaving the optimizers in charge and empowers all 
of us to make the difficult decisions that will determine how technology transforms 
our society. There are few more important tasks before us in the twenty-first 
century. When we act collectively, we not only take charge of our own destiny, we 
also make it far likelier that our technological future will be one in which individuals 
will flourish alongside, and because of, a reinvigorated democracy.
Concluding Chapter In the blink of an eye, our relationship with technology changed. 
We once connected with family and friends on social networks. Now they’re viewed 
as a place for disinformation and the manipulation of public health and elections. 
We enjoyed the convenience of online shopping and the unfettered communication 
that smartphones brought us. Now they’re seen as a means to collect data from us, 
put local stores out of business, and hijack our attention. We shifted from a wide-eyed 
optimism about technology’s liberating potential to a dystopian obsession with 
biased algorithms, surveillance capitalism, and job-displacing robots. It’s no surprise, 
then , that trust in technology companies is declining. Yet too few of us see any 
alternative to accepting the onward march of technology. We have simply accepted 
a technological future designed for us by technologists.

It need not be so. There are many actions we can take as an initial line of defense 
against the disruptions of big tech in our personal, professional, and civic lives. 
Perhaps the most important first step is one you’ve already taken by getting to this 
point in the book, which is to inform yourself about the myriad ways technology 
impacts your life. To fight for your rights in high-stakes decisions, you need to 
understand whether an algorithm is involved. In contexts such as being denied a 
mortgage, losing access to social services, or encountering the criminal justice system, 
you may have a right to seek more transparency into the processes.
One of my criticisms of “System Error” is that it lacks a short guide on 
“further reading” for those who wanted to get guidance about key books 
in the field. This, of course, is not an easy task. It requires authors to put 
their prejudices aside and try to identify the most important texts – not 
just contemporary but in the field as a whole.These are my suggestions -

Background Reading on Technology – earliest first
The Technological Society Jacques Ellul 1964
The Revolution of Hope - toward a humanized technology by Eric Fromm 1968
The Technological System Jacques Ellul 1980
The Technological Bluff Jacques Ellul 1989
The Impact of Science james burke, isaac asimov (nasa 1985)
The Republic of Technology Daniel Boorstin 1978
Between two ages – america's role in the technetronic era Zbigniew Brzezinski 1980
The whale and the reactor –a search for limits in the age of high technology 
Langdon Winner 1986
Technopoly - the surrender of culture to technology' Neil Postman 1992
The Second Machine Age – work, progress and prosperity in a time of brilliant technologies;
 Brynjolfsson and McAfee 2014  

More recent texts
Impromptu – ampflifying our humanity through AI by AI and Reid Hoffman (2023) 
The Age of AI; and our human future H Kissinger, E Scmidt and D Huttenlocher (2021)
Ten Arguments for getting rid of your social media right now; Jaron Lanier (2018)
Utopia is Creepy; Nicholas Carr (2016)
The Internet is not the Answer; Andrew Keen (2015)
From Guttenberg to Zuckenberg – what you really need to know about the Internet; John 
Naughton (2013)
To Save everything click here – the folly of technological solutionism; 
Efgeni Morozov (2013)
The Shallows - what the internet is doing to our brain Nicholas Carr (2010)

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Books for Downloading

One of the delights of old age is having the time and capacity to access, download and skim the books available on the internet – whether it’s the archive site which allowed you to read a book for an hour or so but, sadly, has just been attacked by book publishers and forced to remove half a million books from its site. So access the undernoted books while you can!

- Fascists  Michael Mann( 2004) Mann is one of the most interesting sociologists
- The Routledge Companion to Fascism and the Far Right ed P Davis and D Lynch 
- Russell Jacoby is an underrated writer and I recommend 4 of his books 
- Absent Minds Stefan Collini (2006) A fantastic british specialist in intellectual 
- Good and Bad Power – the ideals and betrayals of government Geoff Mulgan 
(2006). One of my favourite writers
- The Shock of the Old – technology and global history since 1900 David Edgerton 
(2008) A great english economic historian
- The Dictionary of Alternatives M Parker et al (2007) offers superb insights 
into utopian thought
- Social Justice isn’t what you think it is M Novak and P Adams (2015) great 
read which deals with the Catholic origins of the topic
- The Blackwell Companion to Social Movements ed D Snow et al (2016) 
An important topic for me
- Out of the Ordinary Marc Stears (2021) There’s been a lot of talk since 
Brexit about english identity – although the lead contender for the Tory 
leadership couldn’t give a clear answer last week to the simple question about 
what it was. He should have read this book
- War and Social Theory Neal Curtis (2006) Not quite what you expect with 
the opening chapter focusing on Heidegger
- Hate in Precarious Times Neal Curtis (2021) should be read with 
Passionate Politics emotions and social movements J Goodwin et al (2001)
- The Marxists ed C Wright Mills (1962) The famous US sociologist was not 
a Marxist – so this book (which I wasn’t aware of until downloading it) is a 
fair-minded assessment of what the doctrine offers.
- Philosophers of Technology SB Hansen (2020) Disappointing for me since 
the author fails to cover the writers I’m familiar with such as Jacques Ellul, 
Neil Postman and Jerry Mander 
- Technology and the Virtues – a philosophical guide to a future worth wanting  
 Shannon Vallor (2016). The US author, who recently moved to Scotland, has 
been exploring the effects of technology for 2 decades
- The AI Mirror – how to reclaim our humanity in an age of machine thinking 
Shannon Vallor (2024) A good read
- Liberalism in neoliberal times ed J Petley et al (2017) Liberalism has been 
under attack for the past few years – and rightly so – but it remains important 
to distinguish it from neoliberalism. Also worth reading is 
Liberalism and the challenge of climate change Chris Shaw (2024) only 149 pages!