I used to devour critiques of the World Bank with great glee
- but got fed up with the ease with which it seemed able to deflect the
devastating exposes with slippery new phrases and concepts such as “transparency”,
“social capital”….. Some 20 years ago Susan George subjected the Bank to a marvellous attack in Faith and Credit - comparing
the Bank to the Catholic Church. It is an apt comparison – with priests and
Cardinals having unshakeable beliefs in their own wisdom and the wider
congregation suffering from the effects of their arrogance, myopia and abuse of
brief review of a couple of recent books on the subject directed
me to some great downloads which should keep me occupied to Christmas – The Debt Crisis – from Europe to where? (2012); and the 400 page From Political Economy to Freakonomics (2009)
economics was once rich, diverse, multidimensional and pluralistic. The book details how political economy became economics through the separation of economics from other social sciences, especially economic history and sociology. It ranges over the shifting role of the historical and the social in economic theory, the shifting boundaries between the economic and the non-economic and puts the case for political economy back on the agenda. This is done by treating economics as a social science once again. It involves transcending the boundaries of the social sciences through the reintroduction and full incorporation of the social and the historical into the main corpus of political economy, by drawing on the rich traditions of the past
From this I was led to the work of Geoffrey Hodgson - a thoughtful political economist who has long been out of
tune with his fellow economists as you can see in this table and longer interview
Amazingly I was able, thanks to scribd, to download a couple
of his complete books – eg the rather daunting How Economics Forgot History (2001) as well as one of Susan George’s more recent (and typically accessible) contributions - Another world is possible (2004)